Tuesday, August 18, 2015

5 Tips on How to Make Your Children Comfortable in a Dental Clinic

Many children are afraid of visiting a dental clinic in Singapore because of the idea that they will only get “pain”. Your child may have been told stories by some people on how painful a dental appointment is to scare them off, or their previous appointment may have not gone well. Whatever the reason is, it’s very important that they overcome their fear of the dentist as early as possible or else they might carry it with them until adulthood. Here are some tips that you could try to help them overcome their fear: • Experienced Dentist – Before scheduling an appointment make it known to your chosen dentist that your child is worried or scared about their dental check-up. They can discuss with you some steps that they can take to ensure that your child remains calm and comfortable.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Are You Ready? Things That You Can Expect After Having Dental Braces

Some people think that after the dental braces have been placed, they won’t have to worry about anything else, and it will just work smoothly on its own. This, of course, is not true. Even after the initial placement of your braces, regular adjustments still need to be done. There might also be some things that you might find uncomfortable to do now that you have your new braces on. Here are some of the things that you can expect after getting fitted with this oral appliance: • Food – To start off with the basics, you must try to avoid hard and chewy foods, especially on the first week after placement or adjustment. Newly placed or adjusted braces tend to hurt and cause discomfort, so it’ll be better to eat softer foods like soup. You should also avoid chewing bubblegum since it might get stuck on the brackets and dislodge them from the tooth. Corn also must be avoided since they have a tendency to get stuck in between teeth, making it harder for you to clean your mouth and braces.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Dental Implants—A Teeth Replacement Method with Very Weighty Benefits

Dental implants are for patients of all ages. These extremely beneficial oral devices can be the right choice for anyone missing one, multiple or even all of their teeth due to decay, injury, defects or disease. A trusted dentist can determine if dental implants are right for you after a thorough consultation that evaluates your medical history and particular needs. The need for dental implants The bone below your teeth needs to be stimulated to stay healthy. Every time you bite, your teeth stimulate the bone below them, thus preserving the bone’s strength. When you lose a tooth, however, the stimulations cease and the bone will eventually start to shrink away along with its surrounding gum tissue, which can lead to the collapse of your jaw. With dental implants, the bone below the teeth is stimulated and the shape of the jaw is preserved.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Teeth Whitening Procedures Best Done by Qualified Dental Practitioners

Teeth whitening is a dental procedure that many in Singapore believe can be done by practically anybody. While this works for some people, for others, it doesn’t quite yield the expected results. Sometimes, having teeth whitening done by a non-dental professional can be outright dangerous. Teeth whitening laws around the world In Alabama, the state Supreme Court recently reinforced a law that confines providing teeth whitening services and products only to qualified dental professionals. America’s Yellowhammer State is far from the only state that restricts teeth whitening to dentists. Likewise, the U.S. isn’t the only country with such a practice. In the U.K., the General Dental Council considers it illegal for anyone other than a dental professional to administer teeth whitening procedures.